An Intensive Discipleship Program at Cook County Jail and Westville Correctional Facility
The Life Learning Program includes intense discipline through daily expository Bible teaching with a strong emphasis on application specific to the prison community. Additionally, there is a focus on life transformation based on Biblical principles and preparation for re-entry into society. CPO staff and volunteers develop relationships with the participants by faithfully and regularly interacting face to face and demonstrating Christian love, care and compassion.
The Goal
To return men and women back to society with a Christ-like character, equipped to have a positive impact in their home, their workplace, their church, their communities and the world.
To change the hearts of inmates through the work of the Holy Spirit and the minds of inmates through the practical application of the word of God.
CPO Strategy
Create and maintain a structured environment in the Life Learning Program at the jail, which includes mandatory compliance with rules for godly living and mandatory participation in program activities. To facilitate the Holy Spirit's work of heart change by sharing the Gospel. To develop a Christ-like mind through practical application of the word of God. This includes teaching what God's word has to say about issues such as anger, forgiveness, guilt, loneliness, lust, greed, materialism, bad habits/addictions, relationships, finances, work, etc. This may also include educational opportunities such as basic math, reading/literacy, etc. (provided by CPO's Outreach Christian School).